Quantifying Sprituality

Quantifying spirituality
within the context of Christianity presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Christianity is a faith deeply rooted in beliefs, rituals, and a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Spiritual experiences among Christians can vary widely, from intense moments of worship to quiet moments of personal reflection.

While quantifying such deeply personal and faith-driven experiences may seem elusive, there are certain avenues through which aspects of Christian spirituality can be assessed.
In this exploration, we will delve into these methods and considerations for quantifying spirituality within the Christian faith, recognizing both the limitations and the potential insights they can offer into this vital dimension of the Christian life

What is Spirituality?
Spirituality is the pursuit of God through Jesus Christ in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit in accordance to the word of God. In 2 Corinthians 13:5, Daniel 6:10, Psalm 55:17,  Psalm 164:165

Assessing your quantified spirituality

  -You must know you much hours you pray daily, weekly and monthly.

  -You should know how much time you spend reading your Bible daily, weekly,monthly.

  -You should know how many christian books daily, weekly and monthly
#learn to buy books if you want to get serious on your christian life

  -You must know how many scriptures you memories daily, weekly and monthly.

Three Kinds of Men
  1. Natural man ( A man who is not born again)
  2. Canal man . ( A man who refuse to grow after born again) 1 Corinthians 3:1-3
  3. Spiritual man.( A man who is born again and decided to grow and pursue                                         Jesus).  John 5:7, Romans 8:9.

Growing Spiritually
1. He who walks in the Spirit. Galatians 5:25
    - Walk in the word of God
    - To walk in love 
    - Walking by the leadings if the Holy Spirit 
2. Bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22.
         - joy
         - love
         - peace
         - long-suffering(patience)
         - gentleness( kindness, politeness)
         - goodness
         - faith

3. Being spiritually minded. Romans 8:6, Philippians 4:8, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
 Note; What you don't think about doesn't have power over you. 

4. Develops his spirit man through spiritual disciplines.
 Man was designed to;
    - Carry / Contain God - hosting God's presence
    - Contact God -  fellowship and communication
    - Conceive God - God deposit something in us to grow and come out for all to see

1. Your consistency in maintaining spiritual disciplines. 1 Timothy 4:7

2. How your words thoughts and actions are alignment to the character and likeness of Jesus Christ

3. How obedient you are to the Lord, His voice and His word

4. How well you fear God and sacred place
    Note: Any one who fears God fears sin
5.  Your hunger and thirst for the Lord 
The rate at which you yearn to have an intimacy with the Lord through spiritual disciplines

6. How spiritually controlled you are
Two groups of believer's
  • Self controlled
  • Spiritual controlled
Luke 12:15-21
  • Your physical richness shouldn't cheat your spiritual richness towards God.
  • You can have a form of Godliness yet powerless. 2 Timothy 3;4
  • Loving God requires efforts and sacrifice.
  • Pleasure benefits us now but the benefits of God is for the future 
  • Pleasure has a narcotic effect.  
  • Real pleasure is found in God but comes at a cost. Psalm 16:11

   1. It makes you spiritually organized .
       It shapes your life in a Godward manner, it helps the Holy Spirit transform your         life in a Christ-like manner at a pace.
   2. It makes your spiritual progress or failure evident.
   3. It makes you spiritually disciplined
   4. It saves you from satanic attacks temptations and excuses
   5. It shows you the evidence of your spiritual sacrifices or investment 
   6. It makes you spiritually accountable.
      You become a check on yourself .You are not responsible until you start
      taking care of your spiritual life

   7. You can predict your future with your spiritual investment.
   8. It makes spiritually selective 
   9. It makes you spiritual life balanced. Using the word of God and prayer.
   10. To prove or to text that to know if you are truly a practicing christian.
   11. It helps you to eliminate hindrance to the time we devote to know Christ 

1. Pray with a clock. Don't be time conscious but monitor your time occasionally.
2. Have Bible reading plan or structure.
3. Have a study bible and other helpful materials.
4. Have a journal for recording the thoughts of God.
5. Buy books that best explains a reality you best understanding .
6. Open your bible to where you want to read before you sleep the next day.
7. Read your bible loudly and not in your mind
8. Get a good devotional to give you a good christian experience.

  1. Neglect of Prayer: Decreased prayer life and diminished communication with God.
  1. Reduced Bible Study: Neglecting regular reading and study of the Bible.
  1. Loss of Passion: Decreased enthusiasm for worship, church attendance, and spiritual activities.
  1. Worldly Priorities: Placing worldly pursuits ahead of spiritual matters.
  1. Weakened Moral Convictions: Decreased moral standards and increased tolerance for sinful behavior.
  1. Isolation: Withdrawing from the Christian community and accountability relationships.
  1. Unresolved Sin: Failing to confess and repent of sin.
  1. Doubt and Unbelief: Questioning or doubting core Christian beliefs.
  1. Spiritual Dryness: Feeling spiritually dry, distant from God, or lacking joy and peace.
  1. Lack of Compassion: Decreased concern for the needs of others and a self-centered focus.


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