The Fall of Man, also known as the Original Sin, it explains how humanity's relationship with God became fractured and how sin entered the world. This story is primarily found in the book of Genesis in the Bible, particularly in chapters 2 and 3.

In the Garden of Eden, which was a perfect and harmonious paradise created by God, the first human beings, Adam and Eve, lived in a state of innocence and harmony with God and nature. They were given dominion over all creatures and were free to enjoy the abundance of the garden, with one crucial prohibition: they were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

However, a serpent, often identified with Satan or a representation of temptation, approached Eve and deceived her into eating the forbidden fruit. Eve, in turn, gave some of the fruit to Adam, who also ate it. This act of disobedience led to a profound transformation in the nature of humanity:

  Scriptures; Romans 3:23  2 Corinthians 5:18  Romans 5: 8-10   Romans 5:12   Romans 8: 1-5

     Here are seven key problems or consequences of the Fall:

  • SIN
     The Fall introduced the concept of original sin, the belief that all human beings inherit a sinful nature from Adam. This inherent sinfulness is seen as the reason for humanity's moral imperfections and separation from God. It was caused by Adam's disobedience to the word of God

  • MAN
     In Romans 7:18-24 , Man now had sin in him. He died spiritually and lost his glory cause he had the sin nature in him. If you don't understand how serious the fall was, you won't understand how gracious God was.

  • GOD
        Man поw had a problem with God wrath. "God is love but he's Just." Man was now separated from
God. God is Holy and to prevent Man from causing more damage, he sent Man out of the Garden and pronoun curse on the three culprits.

  • DEATH 
        In Romans 5:12 and Ephesians 2:1: The Fall introduced suffering, pain, and physical death into the world. Due to the disobedience of one man, all were dead to sin and sin passed from one generation to the other. Man was spiritually dead, that is, man was eternally separated from God. It is believed that if Adam and Eve had not sinned, there would have been no suffering or death in the paradise of Eden.

     In Romans 6:16,Satan used this principle to make man his servants. In Acts 10:38; Satan could oppress mankind caused man had handed right to the devil through blaming each other. This principle means, through blaming others you make them take dominion over.

  • LAW
         Man now had a problem with the laws God instructed, Man had to obey all 613 in the past and when you break! one you have broken all. So it was difficult to please God. Some of the Laws was based on clothes, food and even sacrifice.

         As a result of the Fall, not only humans but also creation was damaged, Romans 8:19-24. natural world was affected. God pronounced curses on the serpent, the ground, and childbirth, indicating that the entire creation was impacted by human sin. The world system / the order. 

These problems or consequences of the Fall are foundational to Christian teachings on sin, redemption, and the human condition.


In Christian doctrine, salvation is the process by which individuals are rescued from the consequences of sin and reconciled with God. The concept of salvation encompasses various aspects and is often described through "The Seven Works of Salvation," which represent key actions or aspects of God's saving work in the life of believers. These works of salvation are central to Christian faith and doctrine. Here are the seven works of salvation:
  • Jesus came to save us from sin 
   In John 1:29 and Romans 4:25; through Jesus Christ, believers are redeemed from the enslavement to sin and the consequences of their wrongdoing. 1 Peter 2:25. Jesus Christ on the cross, where he offered himself as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for humanity's sins. It is through Christ's atoning sacrifice that forgiveness and reconciliation with God are made possible. Matthew 1:21

  • Jesus come to save man from himself
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:24. Man was restored back to his position and authority. Man now had his rights handed back to him which he had once loose to the devil.

  •  Jesus saved us from the wrath of God 
Jesus saved us from God's wrath by taking the punishment of God. Every thing sinful must be punished therefore God gave up his only son that by one man all shall be saved.

  • Jesus saved us from the power of death. 
In Hebrews 2:14-15, 1 Corinthians 15:55-57, we see how victorious Jesus has over death. Believers are no more dead to sin but to life everlasting.

  • Jesus conquered the devil. 
In Colossians 2:15, we see how Jesus conqueres the devil. Even in Luke 10:18,

 "Jesus said; “I know. I saw Satan fall, a bolt of lightning out of the sky"

But note, the devil will try to disposses you of something you have authority over.

  •  Jesus came to frees us from the demands of the law

  • He came to save us from the world systems


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