by TheGoat | 17 Aug 2023

 Daily Confessions


Because I am the righteousness of God, angels have been sent to minister to me. They respond to the Word of God which I speak. Therefore, I loose angels with the words of my mouth.

I say today, let the Lord be magnified who takes pleasure in my prosperity. In the name of Jesus, I command the angels to bring to me prosperity in my spirit, in my home, in my body, in my family life, and in my finances.

I declare promotion and command the angels to bring promotion into my life. I have a blood-bought covenant promise from God Almighty to multiply exceedingly. Therefore, I confess I am exceedingly fruitful and blessed, right now, in Jesus’ name! I command the angels of God to go and bring this covenant to pass in my life now! I have the power to get wealth, and release the angels to bring wealth into my life.

I declare right now that I am healthy, healed, delivered, and freed from the bondage of sin. I am the head always, and never the tail. I am above only, and never beneath. I lend, not borrow, and everything I put my hands to prospers.

I walk in the favor of God and my favor is increased even as I am speaking. I have more than enough money to pay every bill that comes in, and I declare I am totally debt-free now! I have the authority of Heaven and in the name of Jesus, I declare that whatever I bind on the Earth, is bound in Heaven, and whatever I loose on the Earth, is loosed in Heaven.

I am free from unforgiveness and I set my will to forgive anybody for anything, no matter what! I walk in the love of God toward everyone, no exceptions! I send my angels forth right now, to do God’s pleasure and bring these words to pass. Angels, go now, and minister prosperity unto me, in Jesus’ name!

Father, I thank You in advance for all You have done on my behalf. Like You, I’ve declared what will be and am committed to calling those things that be not as though they are. Right now I rejoice, and I’m exceedingly glad that you have granted to me the petitions I have requested, while I am yet speaking. My total life prosperity is settled now, and with great expectation, I will continuously speak faith-filled words, and allow my every word and thought to confirm what I believe I have received, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Psalm 103:20, 21

Psalm 35:27

Hebrews 1:13

Matthew 16:19

Psalm 5:12

Deuteronomy 28:1-13

1 Peter 2:24

1 Corinthians 13


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