Worry And Anxiety

  by Prophet Felix Meisu and Prophet Emmanuel 

In the realm of spirituality, worry and anxiety represent powerful forces that can either hinder or facilitate one's spiritual journey. These emotions often arise from the disconnect between our human desires and the profound yearning for spiritual fulfillment. 

Worry may stem from attachment to material concerns, while anxiety can be a response to the unknown aspects of our spiritual path. In this discourse, we will delve into the spiritual dimensions of worry and anxiety, exploring how they can be both obstacles and catalysts for spiritual growth. By harnessing these emotions with a spiritual perspective, individuals can embark on a transformative journey toward inner peace, enlightenment, and a deeper connection with the divine.

In, Matthew 11:28-29 , we see how the Lord longs to give your soul rest. The attack of worry is to destroy your soul,heart and your will. The soul is the compartment of your mind your will and emotions 

What is Worry and Anxiety?
Worry is the feeling of uneasiness of being overly concerned over a situation. It is the state where your heart is troubled and overwhelmed with life challenges, it's by-product is fear 

Anxiety is the persistent state of worry

 Spiritual Equation Of Worry And Anxiety 
( Numbers 11:1,12 &13:26 14:1-9 )
 • Worry Births Fear
 • Fear
Births Hurts
 • Hurt
Births Murmur
 • Murmur
Births Complaint
 • Complaint
Births Disobedience
 • Disobedience
Births Destruction
 • Destruction
Births Death

 "What ever worries you is what destroys you"  Felix Miesu(2023)

 ! No man can outgrow the thought of worry. You can never decide not to think about worrisome thought at every stage of your life

 ! Worry has no respect for a person.

 ! Worry is an undertaker,that is, it comes to rob from you. 

 ! Worry is not demonic, however, prolonged worry is demonic and can possibly invite demons to torment your life

! Worry is a soul contaminator.

! Worry is a trouble maker. Behind every distraction to a man's spirituality is Worry.

What you don't worry about cannot overwhelm or harm or war against you.

! You are always indebted to what you worry about. It's a credit facility to put you into debt

! Worry is a weight. Hebrew 12:1

! Worrisome thought thrives on what you hear, see and meditate on

Worry itself sis not bad but it depends on how it's activated
• Godly Worry
• Ungodly Worry
• Demonic Worry

Godly Worry
It's being concern, alert, aware, discern about one spiritual deficiency or suffering and finding a way of addressing or resolving it.
It's thinking ahead, anticipating problems and finding ways to overcome worry through God's assistance.
Philipians 4:6
#Its also known as a Helpful Worry

Ungodly Worry
Ungodly Worry refers to excessive or unhealthy anxiety and concern about worldly matters that contradicts the teachings of faith. It signifies a lack of trust in God's providence and an overreliance on one's own efforts to control or solve problems. 
Ungodly worry can be seen as a manifestation of doubt and a failure to fully surrender to divine guidance. It's often associated with the biblical admonition to "cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). Overcoming ungodly worry involves deepening one's faith, practicing surrender, and seeking spiritual guidance to trust in God's plan and provision.

Demonic Worry
Demonic worry" refers to worry or anxiety that is believed to be influenced by negative spiritual entities or energies. In such systems, it's thought that certain thought patterns or emotions can attract negative forces and disrupt one's spiritual well-being. 

Philippians 4:4-6, to Worry means to be anxious or to have a divided attention. When you focus on worrying you get to a place where you can’t hear the voice of God.

  • Worry is an enemy to answered prayers. Whatever you do after prayer determines the effectiveness of your prayer. If you want to see the results of your prayer you have to divorce worry.
  • Worry will never do what prayer is designed to do.                                Acts 16:25-26
  •  Worry is the magnet that attracts negative conditions. Worry opens demonic doors.
  • Worry has never changed anything but prayer does. Worry only changes situations from bad to worst. Worry subtracts but prayer adds.                                      Matthew 6:29
  • Worry has its roots in doubt. Worry is born when doubt is persistent.     Matthew 6:30

  • When they are ignorant of God’s power. Every problem is an opportunity for God to show his power. 
  • When they are ignorant of God’s promises.
  • They are ignorant of God’s provision. 
  • They are ignorant about God’s timing.
In conclusion, within the spiritual context, worry and anxiety can serve as profound opportunities for self-discovery and spiritual awakening. By recognizing that these emotions often arise from our attachment to the transient world and our resistance to divine guidance, we can begin to transcend them. 

Spiritual practices such as meditation, mindfulness, prayer, and surrender can help individuals release the grip of worry and anxiety, allowing them to align more closely with their spiritual essence. In this process, individuals may uncover a profound sense of inner peace, unity with the divine, and a greater purpose in their spiritual journey. Ultimately, worry and anxiety, when approached with a spiritual perspective, become gateways to a deeper connection with the sacred and a path toward spiritual enlightenment.


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